About the Music - A Penguin's Tale

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There's just one more post left before I finish writing about PERADVENTURE. I've enjoyed writing about my songs, and I think I'll continue to write about other songs I've uploaded to SoundCloud & YouTube. Let me know what other topics I should write about in the comments below, or contact me through social media (@intrpidbhaviors on various outlets; intrepidbehaviors on Tumblr).


"A Penguin's Tale" is the seventh and final track of PERADVENTURE. This was the third composition I ever made. The composition is largely inspired by the track "My Immortal" by Evanescence, who was a major influence for me during high school. The lyrics are inspired by a recurring dream I had once. It is the longest song on PERADVENTURE (8 minutes), due to the large amount of silence that follows the actual song.

The recurring dream that inspired the song is about myself waking up in the middle of the night, thinking that it is raining outside. I look out my bedroom window to see that it is raining, and I decide to go outside just to enjoy the rain. When I open the front door of the house, I find myself transported into a bright, frozen place. There's ice everywhere. The sun is shining from above, but it's really cold and freezing. Then, the ice below me starts to crack into several huge chunks. As these chunks separate from what was the frozen ground below me, I notice that there is a door far in the distance. I need to jump from chunk of ice to chunk in order to reach it. Whenever I jump on a chunk, though, the water that splashes from it begins to create some sort of tunnel that rises high above me. There's no glass, no ice, nothing holding the water together; it's almost like the water is able to maintain itself in the shape it is in. Something inside me tells me that this won't last, and I try my hardest to jump across in order to reach the door. Sure enough, as I get closer to the door, the tunnel of water starts to crash down onto the chunks of floating ice. I finally reach the door, and I open it.

Only when I open the door, I suddenly find myself back in my bed, waking up to hear the rain (still dreaming).


Within the album, "A Penguin's Tale" is a song about the death of the main character. It follows "Happy Dreams". The album version of the song is a piano-only song, and it is the "sad within the happy" song. It's probably one of the more personal tracks I've composed. The song describes the "last moments" of the main character, who accepts their death. Rather than feeling pain, the main character seems to almost "fall asleep" into death.


Every song on PERADVENTURE has its own artwork. I did this because I love knowing what each song has for a cover. All of the images I used for each track is a picture I took on my old smartphone, an HTC One M8.

Artwork for "A Penguin's Tale"; a black and white photograph of a digital piano.


You can hear "A Penguin's Tale" on SoundCloud and YouTube. You can also download the track on Google Drive.
A single version of the song was released before the album's release date. This version can be heard on SoundCloud and YouTube.

If any of these links are broken or not working, then please let me know. Alternatively, if you would rather rip the songs off YouTube, then you are more than welcome to do so as long as you do not share the work on your own channel, site, etc. Please do not repost or use my music without permission for your own projects, personal or otherwise. If you are sharing the music with other people, then know that it is okay to do so. Otherwise, ask if you are unsure about how to use my music.


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